St Patrick’s Primary mark Mary MacKillop Feast Day

Kindergarten students wore their best and brightest pyjamas
Kindergarten students wore their best and brightest pyjamas

Students at St Patrick’s Primary, Parramatta honoured the life and reflections of St Mary MacKillop of the Cross, last week culminating in a pyjama day fundraiser for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal.

Students and teachers came to school in their pyjamas, making for a very colourful scene in classrooms and the playground. Students were encouraged to remember the words of St Mary MacKillop, ‘Never see a need without doing something about it’ and to think of those less fortunate. 

Principal Bernadette Fabri said St Mary MacKillop’s dedication to the poor and marginalised was a key element of her ministry and one that we can emulate in our own way. 

‘Allowing our children to begin to take on small responsibilities begins to empower them to recognise that they can contribute in very significant ways; to the family, the school and society,’ said Bernadette. ‘The life of St Mary MacKillop is as significant today as it was to the people of her time. She taught us that life is precious and the impact we can have on our world is in essence only brief.’