About Us

St Patrick's Primary is the perfect choice for your child. Learn more and enrol today!

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St Patrick’s is a K-6 coeducational primary school located in the heart of Parramatta.

We are proud of our origins as the oldest Catholic parish school in Australia. The St Patrick’s Parramatta of today has come a long way since our humble beginnings. With a high-quality 21st century Catholic education offered in the heart of Parramatta, we continue to cater to the growing and complex needs of our community.

Explore the amazing opportunities we're creating for our students



St Patrick's Parramatta Principal Bernadette Fabri

A welcome message from St Patrick's Principal, Bernadette Fabri.



St Patrick’s Catholic Primary Parramatta is the oldest parish school in Australia

We are proud of our origins as the oldest Catholic parish school in Australia. The St Patrick’s Parramatta of today has come a long way since our humble beginnings.



News at St Patrick's Primary Parramatta

Discover what life at St Patrick's is like by browsing our latest news articles and social posts.



What we offer at St Patrick's Primary

St Patrick's Parramatta offers the best of the old and new

Using the wisdom and insight of our history, our contemporary learning & teaching model is driven by research into and application of, best-practice in Australian education today.

A St Patrick's Parramatta primary education offers each student a high-quality 21st century education that targets the diverse needs of the individual learner. We are proud to offer:

  • a welcoming and inclusive community with strong links between our school, families, and our local St Patrick's parish
  • classrooms with operable walls allowing team teaching and cross-grade group work
  • air-conditioned classrooms with computer access
  • both Apple and PC platforms in all learning spaces
  • two large COLA (covered outdoor learning areas) providing shade and shelter for children
  • a Student Representative Council that meets regularly and has a significant voice in both the vision and day-to-day running of our school
  • a number of highly active and enthusiastic parent committees
  • easy access close to the business centre in Parramatta
  • a community culture of constant review and improvement
  • on-site out of hours care service.

We invite you to explore our website and contact us if you have any questions.



St Patrick's Primary has a number of policies and procedures that govern various aspects of our school life. Learn how we operate.

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The Annual School Report provides parents and the wider school community with accurate information about various aspects of school performance and development.

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