
We hope you are considering St Patrick’s Primary, Parramatta, as the school for your child.

We look forward to getting you started on the enrolment process, and answering any questions you still have.

If you need further information about joining our community, or about the enrolment process, click on the links provided or contact our school.




How to enrol

Find out how to enrol into one of the best primary schools in Sydney. St Patrick's Primary gives your child the best opportunity to develop academically and spiritually.


School Fees

Have a look at our school fees. St Patrick's Primary Parramatta provides several options for Catholic primary school. Find out more.



The St Patrick's Primary Parramatta handbook provides all the general information, policies and procedures that you and your child need to know.


Parental Involvement

Demonstrate to your children that volunteering is a good thing. Register your interest in getting involved at St Patrick's Primary Parramatta.



An overview of the school uniform requirements at St Patrick’s Catholic Primary Parramatta.