A number of specific programs are in place to support learning. We have also implemented whole-school pastoral care and support programs for the social and emotional development of students.
We offer additional programs, such as:
- support for children with a range of additional needs including a personal plan (PP) and case management conferences
- literacy and numeracy support to assist students to access the curriculum through differentiated learning opportunities
We believe that offering these programs allows a number of Language Backgrounds Other Than English (LBOTE) students, and students not supported by Special Learning Needs (SLN) programs, to succeed in small group teaching and learning.
Transition programs
Kindergarten orientation program:
- Children meet the Kindergarten teachers, participate in a variety of activities, and have time to become familiar with other children
- Children become familiar with the classroom, school and playground in a non-threatening situation in company with their parents or carers
- Parents attend an initial information and briefing session to familiarise them with school policies and routines while allowing opportunities for discussion and questions
- Parents are invited to a follow up meeting in term 1.
Liaison with secondary schools:
- Visits by Year 5 students to secondary schools
- Open days for Year 6 students
- Links with Year 7 coordinator and special education teacher to facilitate special education and high needs students in transition to secondary school.
Students with specific needs entering Kindergarten and other grades:
- An individual plan is developed in collaboration with the parents, class teacher, and special education teacher
- The child is supported in class by the learning support teacher, class teacher and teachers' aide
- Specific resources to meet identified needs are provided
- Procedures and curriculum are modified according to the child's individual plan.
Learn more about student wellbeing and leadership at St Patrick's